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·SharingOpportunitiesAirportJournal:E ·美国4月纽约联储制造业指数不及预期连续五个月处于收缩区间 ·限定7日,上海杨浦这条路“落樱不扫”留住春日 ·巴黎奥运会选拔赛暨2024亚洲山地自行车锦标赛U23及青年运动员选拔赛在 ·设备更新撬动超5万亿大市场会带来哪些影响? ·发展新质生产力,打造橡塑新高地 CHINAPLAS国际橡塑展即将开幕 ·新国九条强化高股息板块优势,资本市场“1+N”政策体系提振市场信心,相关 ·龙擎动力赋能,东风商用车携东风天龙KL燃气车诚意亮相唐山 ·东风商用车·2024十堰马拉松,跑出城市活力与发展责任新篇章 ·优化主板上市标准提升科创属性评价指标上交所从源头上提高上市公司质量 ·好天气要珍惜,4月17日起广州持续一周天天有雨 ·探访消博会主宾国爱尔兰展馆 ·“飞利浦健康生活Lab”携创新产品亮相第四届中国国际消费品博览会 ·一半业务来自“出海”拓邦股份去年营收微增利润下降 ·《文成公主》在拉萨之夜 ·沪上市民共赴春日盛会,这个周末辰山植物园打造一场趣味露营体验 ·第二届“青花郎·人民文学奖”揭晓:梁晓声、肖复兴等获奖 ·外卖骑手“兼职”餐馆老板创业打工双丰收 ·业界:3月信贷节奏更加均衡宏观政策效果进一步显现 ·池黄高铁九华山站房通过竣工初验 


京财时报   来源:证券之星    发布时间:2024-04-16 08:01:41   阅读量:15774   

Let's take you along on a fascinating journey through two of China's most prominent trade expos!

Recently, SFC reporters had the incredible opportunity to attend the 4th China International Consumer Products Expo in Hainan, where we got to experience the latest and hottest consumer goods from around the world. The venue was filled with eager exhibitors and visitors exploring the vast business opportunities in China.

But the adventure doesn't stop there. Next stop, we are heading to Guangzhou, where the Canton Fair, China's largest trade fair, has just kicked off.

For most international buyers, their journey to the Canton Fair officially starts at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. According to official data, it is expected that the average daily arrivals and departures at Baiyun Airport during the Canton Fair will reach 40,000, and the peak may exceed 42,000.

Join SFC reporter as we delve into the bustling energy of international buyers at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, where anticipation is palpable among buyers arriving for the fair.



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